Saturday, August 8, 2015

What happened to the music business?

What happened to the music business?  Because of the recent digital revolution new music is virtually free.  Anyone can download and share music.  In the days of vinyl and tape, copies of the original had a significant quality lost.  Copies of digital recordings are exact replications of the original with no sonic loss.  Digital music comes in a variety of forms.  The two most common are MP3 which are easy to share online because of the small file size.  And WAVs which contain 10 times the data of an MP3.  If you listen close to those files on a good audio system it's easy to see how much you're missing when compared to the original WAV file. 

What does all this mean?  It means you better be able to play your ass off live.  It means when you get on that stage you need to be a master at your craft.  It's the difference between making a movie or being on Broadway.  On a movie set you get multiple takes for every scene until you get it perfect.  Performing on a Broadway stage you get one shot to share your craft with a live audience.

The beauty of live music in concert is that you never have to do the same show two nights in a row.  You can change the set or just jam new parts to old songs.  Each live show is its own individual experience.  And there are two kinds of people, the ones who saw it and the ones who didn't.

My hope is that live performance will see a resurgence of virtuosos who developed their talent without looking at the clock.  Musicians and singers that create music without gimmicks.  The great bands throughout history have always had chemistry if not personally certainly musically.  This is what keeps audiences coming back and buying tickets. 

We decided to make the best music that we can make in the studio and post it on a site to be streamed and enjoyed free of charge.  The thought is if you become a fan of the music you'll buy a ticket to a show when the artist comes to your town.  And be a part of a personal music experience that will live in your mind forever.  I hope you'll visit us at Publique Records

Long live rock!

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